without feminism, men would never have been able to achieve their full potential.
Toxic masculinity is a dangerous, destructive force in our society. It hurts men, women, and children—and it's holding us back from reaching our full potential as a society.
If you're not familiar with the term "toxic masculinity," it refers to a set of ideas and beliefs that men should be strong and independent all the time. They shouldn't rely on others or ask for help. They should be able to handle anything that comes their way without any help from anyone else. Toxic masculinity is placing men in a box and saying that if you do anything outside of this box then you're not a man.
We need feminism because it helps us understand why these things happen—and how they impact our lives every day.
Toxic masculinity is the reason why men are less likely to seek mental health services.
When men feel that they have to be tough and don't talk about their problems, they often turn to substances like alcohol or drugs as a way to numb their pain. And when they use drugs or alcohol, they aren't able to make healthy relationships with other people because they are too drunk or high on something else.
This is why we need feminism in order for men to feel comfortable opening up about their feelings and getting help from professionals when needed.
Here's a fact: without feminism, men would never have been able to achieve their full potential.
The reason? Toxic masculinity. It keeps men from being their best selves—and it's holding us back as a society.
When we're all living in a world where men are encouraged to be dominant, aggressive and entitled, it makes it harder for men to be caring, sensitive and nurturing. And that's not good for anyone—not the kids growing up in that environment, nor the women who might be attracted to them.
Toxic masculinity promotes gender-based violence, gun violence, mental health issues and a lot of other problems.
What feminism is saying is that being feminine as a man does not make you weak. Feminism is giving power to femineity thereby giving power to girls and feminine boys.
I hope you understand why as a guy you need feminism. Is beneficial to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and if you want more information, you can check out the podcast episode with the very same title.
Guys need feminism like we need terminal cancer.
Sorry, no one is buying that.