You Are Enough:
How to Stop Settling for Less and Start Demanding More as a Woman
Hello, fellow feminist queens.
Have you ever felt like you are not good, smart, or worthy enough? Have you ever felt like your friends/partners were doing you a favor just by being with you?
I’m pretty sure we have all felt like that at one point or the other and it has affected us to the point where we think like we don’t deserve to be treated well. Especially as women living in a world where we are told to be grateful that men are dating us.
A lot of the time, women tend to tolerate bullshit from the men they are dating. In the workplace, women often undervalue themselves and what they bring to the table.
We also tend to undervalue our success as something we did and attribute it to external factors like help from others and luck. Another area where women are more likely to undervalue themselves is in the area of finances. Believing lies such as women are reckless spenders.
All this undervaluing can and often prevents us from demanding for what we deserve and demanding for our full rights. It prevents us from reaching our full potential financially, in our relationships, and in the workplace.
Now, you might be wondering what can I do, and what steps can I take to start demanding more and getting what is fully mine as a woman.
Well, I am here for you. In this article, I will share with you some tips and strategies that will help you stop settling for less and start demanding more as a woman.
1. Recognize your worth and value
As a woman, the first step to demanding for what you deserve is recognizing that you are enough. You are not too much, you are not doing too little you as a person are enough.
Many women tend to underestimate themselves and their abilities, due to the messages they receive from society, media, or even their own families. They may think that they are not qualified enough, experienced enough, or talented enough to pursue their dreams or ambitions.
They may also think that they have to please others or conform to certain expectations to be accepted or respected. However, these are all lies that keep you from realizing your full potential and happiness. You have to realize that you are enough, just as you are.
You have unique skills, talents, and passions that make you who you are. You have the right to pursue your goals and aspirations without fear or doubt. You have the power to create your destiny and define your success. You have to believe in yourself and your worth before anyone else does. You are valuable, you are worthy, and you are enough.
Examples of how you can recognize your worth and value
Celebrate your achievements, especially the little wins. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge and appreciate your hard work and progress, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. You deserve to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Celebrating your achievements can boost your confidence, motivation, and happiness.
Affirm your strengths by reminding yourself of all the badass things you can do, no matter how small they may be. You have unique skills, talents, and passions that make you who you are. You can overcome challenges, learn new things, and contribute to the world in your way. Affirming your strengths can help you overcome self-doubt, insecurity, and negativity.
Seek feedback from supportive people who can help you grow and improve. You don’t have to do everything on your own. You can ask for help, advice, or guidance from people who care about you and want you to succeed. Seeking feedback from supportive people can help you gain new perspectives, insights, and opportunities.
2. Challenge the status quo and stereotypes
Another way you can stop settling for less as a woman is by challenging the status quo. When you challenge those norms that say that you are less than a man in a relationship, or the stereotype that women are bad investors and reckless spenders it will help in your journey of asking for more of what you deserve.
Challenging the status quo and stereotypes means questioning the assumptions and expectations that society has about women and their roles, abilities, and preferences. It means breaking free from the boxes and labels that limit your choices and opportunities. It means daring to be different, to be yourself, and to be proud of it.
Examples of how you can challenge the status quo and stereotypes
Speak up for yourself and others when you witness or experience sexism, discrimination, or harassment. Don’t let anyone silence you or make you feel inferior or unworthy. Use your voice to express your opinions, ideas, and feelings. You have the right to be heard and respected.
Take risks and try new things that interest you or challenge you. Don’t let fear of failure or judgment stop you from pursuing your passions or goals. You have the potential to learn, grow, and succeed in any field or domain. You can dare to face any obstacle or setback.
Pursue your career or education without compromising your personal life or happiness. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t have it all or that you have to choose between work and family. You can balance your professional and personal responsibilities and aspirations. You have the freedom to decide what works best for you.
And speaking of challenging the status quo, have you checked out the EmpowerHER Journal? It's more than just a journal; it's a statement. A statement that says you are ready to challenge the norms, break free from stereotypes, and embrace your unique journey as a feminist. P.S. Don’t forget to use the discount code ‘Feminist Inc’ for 50% off.
3. Assert your needs and desires
I know it sounds hard but it is possible. You can be assertive about what you want, need, and desire. You should be.
However, a lot of women are afraid to do so because of this dumb patriarchal idea that “good” women are not loud and that “ladies”(which is what the patriarchy makes us believe we should all aspire to be as women) don’t talk too much.
Women that are loud and assertive are called bossy and women that refuse to take bullcrap from men in their relationships are seen as nagging wives, partners, or girlfriends.
Examples of how you can assert your needs and desires are:
Set boundaries and communicate them clearly to others. Don’t let anyone cross your limits or disrespect your choices. You have the right to say no or to walk away from situations that make you uncomfortable or unhappy. You have the responsibility to protect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Negotiate and ask for what you want, whether it is a raise, a promotion, or a favor. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve or need. You have the right to express your expectations and preferences. You have the value to offer and receive in return.
Ask for help or support when you need it. Don’t be afraid to admit your weaknesses or vulnerabilities. You don’t have to do everything on your own. You have the right to seek assistance or guidance from others who can help you achieve your goals or overcome your challenges. You have the strength to acknowledge and overcome your limitations.
All I’m trying to say is that as a woman, you are enough. You don’t have to settle for less than what you deserve or want in life. You can demand more from yourself and others by recognizing your worth, challenging the status quo, and asserting your needs and desires.
Dear feminist queen, I know you can do it!